How We Help Families

Many of us are concerned about how our older family members are coping at home, their safety and how lonely they may be. For some of us, we no longer live in the same area as they do which often means visits can be irregular. We may also have difficulty talking to them about our concerns for their well-being. They may not be receptive to our worries.

Sometimes an unexpected health crisis occurs and suddenly we are confronted with an older family member that can no longer live at home without support. It can be overwhelming accessing help or finding a suitable new place for them to live at short notice. Other family members may also have differing opinions about what is the best solution. This can cause friction. We help preserve your family relations.

At Transition Navigators, we understand how difficult it can be to take time out of a full life to navigate the process and make suitable arrangements when an older relative needs your help. Our Stage of Life Plan ensures your relatives are taken care of with the respect and dignity we would show our own parents when tackling these issues.

We work with those that:

  • Want to plan ahead
    • These people are usually reasonably fit and healthy
    • Often a couple, but may be single
    • Like to be prepared for the future and consider if one of them isn’t there or able to function so well, or they weren’t coping so well
    • Want to know what the various options are for them well before they have to make decisions
  • Have recently had a health crisis or trauma and need help at short notice
    • These people have often been discharged from hospital recently, they may have had a number of admissions recently
    • Frequently a health professional has said they shouldn’t return home to live
    • They may have had a serious medical event such as stroke or heart attack
    • They may have short notice that they need to find a more supportive place to live
  • Recognise that they need additional support
    • These people find daily tasks are becoming increasingly difficult to achieve
    • They may have to depend on others for help
    • They may be forgetful or not be able to explain why they are at a place
    • They may worry they aren’t coping and wonder what they should do


Do any of these situations sound familiar

Since Peg went, Frank finds he isn’t really interested in cooking himself dinner most nights so he has a piece of toast. He has noticed he has had to take his belt in a notch or two.

When Barbara comes out of the supermarket she often can’t find where she parked her car. She had to ring her son the other day and ask him to come and help her find it.

Betty mainly eats sandwiches because she can’t bend down to put things in and take them out of the oven.

Tom has to keep going down to the bank to get a new PIN number because he forgets what it was. Now the bank has told him they are closing the branch in his area.

Ted goes to the pub every day for a jug so that he can talk to someone. They notice if he doesn’t arrive and will check up on him.

Anne is having trouble hanging her washing on the line. She can’t get her hands up that high any more.

Peter misses Dorothy very much. He is worried about how he is going to cook and clean and look after himself now.

Margaret is finding it hard to carry her groceries in from the car. She has to ask the people at the supermarket to only put two things in each bag.

Jack doesn’t bath very often because he finds it hard to get out of the bath. He is worried he will fall over if he has a shower.

Winter is coming and Jean is worried about how expensive heating will be this year. She supposes she will just have to go to bed early so she can keep warm.

Frank gets worried at night when he hears a noise. He is too scared to go and check what it might be.

Mary has lived in her house for nearly 50 years. She has thought about moving but it would be such wrench to have to throw out things. The house and many of her things hold memories that she doesn’t want to lose.

Jim is often cold. He can only carry in two pieces of wood at a time which isn’t enough to keep his fire going.